(AI) Homeschool Helper: ChatGPT

With the increasing use of technology in education, homeschooling parents can take advantage of AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance their teaching practices across various subjects. ChatGPT is an AI model trained to generate human-like responses to text-based prompts. It is a powerful tool that can assist homeschooling educators in teaching subjects such as reading, writing, arithmetic, science, history, and the Bible. In this paper, we will explore the features, advantages, and benefits of using ChatGPT in each of these subjects.


ChatGPT can assist in teaching reading skills by providing personalized feedback on writing and comprehension. For example, a homeschooling educator can prompt ChatGPT to evaluate their child's writing and receive instant feedback on areas that need improvement. Additionally, ChatGPT can generate reading comprehension questions based on texts, providing practice and support for students. This feature is particularly useful for struggling readers who need personalized support.

Prompt #1: A ChatGPT query for a reading assignment

I am a homeschooler. I teach a fifth-grade boy. Can you suggest a reading assignment from books that are available on archive.org?

Response #1: A ChatGPT response for a reading assignment

Yes, absolutely! Here's a reading assignment suggestion for your fifth-grade student from a book available on archive.org:

Title: "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Description: "The Secret Garden" is a classic novel that tells the story of Mary Lennox, a young orphan girl who is sent to live with her uncle in a large, gloomy house on the Yorkshire moors. Lonely and unhappy, Mary discovers a secret walled garden that has been locked up for years. With the help of a young gardener, Dickon, and her cousin, Colin, Mary works to bring the garden back to life, and in the process, she finds joy and friendship.

Why it's a great choice: "The Secret Garden" is a timeless story that has captured the hearts of readers for over a century. It's a beautifully written book that deals with themes of friendship, the healing power of nature, and the importance of self-discovery. The characters are engaging and the plot is full of surprises and twists. Additionally, the language is accessible for a fifth-grader, making it a great choice for a reading assignment.

You can find "The Secret Garden" on archive.org at this link: https://archive.org/details/secretgarden00burn/page/n7/mode/2up

I hope your student enjoys reading "The Secret Garden"!

Prompt #2: A ChatGPT query for a reading assignment assessment

I am a homeschooler. I teach a fifth-grade boy. Can you provide me with a reading comprehension assessment for the book, “The Secret Garden”? Please include chapter numbers and an answer key.

Response #2: A ChatGPT response for a reading assignment assessment

Sure, here's the reading comprehension assessment for "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett, including the questions, chapter numbers, and answer key:

  1. What is the name of the main character in the book? (Chapter 1)
    1. Colin 
    2. Mary 
    3. Dickon 
    4. Mrs. Medlock 

      Answer: b. Mary
  2. Where does Mary come from before coming to live with her uncle in England? (Chapter 2)
    1. India 
    2. Africa 
    3. Australia 
    4. Canada 

      Answer: a. India
  3. What is the name of Mary's cousin who is sickly and bedridden? (Chapter 8)
    1. Colin 
    2. Dickon 
    3. Archibald 
    4. Ben 

      Answer: a. Colin
  4. What is the secret that Mary discovers in the garden? (Chapter 11) 
    1. A hidden door 
    2. A key to a locked chest 
    3. A magic spell 
    4. A hidden garden 

      Answer: d. A hidden garden
  5. Who helps Mary bring the garden back to life? (Chapter 14)
    1. Colin
    2. Dickon 
    3. Mrs. Medlock 
    4. Archibald 

      Answer: b. Dickon
  6. What is the name of the robin who becomes Mary's friend? (Chapter 16) 
    1. Peter 
    2. Paul 
    3. Patrick 
    4. Percy 

      Answer: a. Peter
  7. What happens to Colin at the end of the book? (Chapter 27) 
    1. He dies 
    2. He becomes healthy 
    3. He moves away 
    4. He goes to boarding school 

      Answer: b. He becomes healthy
  8. What is the main theme of "The Secret Garden"? (Chapter 27) 
    1.  The healing power of nature 
    2. The importance of friendship 
    3. The value of hard work 
    4. The importance of family 

      Answer: a. The healing power of nature

I hope this assessment, including the answer key, is helpful for assessing your student's comprehension of "The Secret Garden"!


ChatGPT can assist in teaching writing skills by providing instant feedback on grammar, syntax, and tone. For example, a homeschooling educator can prompt ChatGPT to evaluate their child's writing and receive instant feedback on areas that need improvement. This feature allows the educator to tailor their instruction to the specific needs of their child. Additionally, ChatGPT can generate writing prompts, allowing the child to practice their writing skills in a variety of contexts.

Prompt #3: A ChatGPT query for a writing assignment

I am a homeschooler. I teach a fifth-grade boy. Can you suggest a writing assignment?

Response #3: A ChatGPT response for a writing assignment

Certainly! Here's a writing assignment idea for a fifth-grade student:

Topic: "My Dream Vacation"

Objective: To write a descriptive paragraph or essay about a dream vacation destination.


  1. Ask the student to think about a place they've always wanted to visit. It can be a real place or a completely imaginary one.
  2. Have the student brainstorm a list of things they would like to do, see, and experience at their dream destination.
  3. Encourage the student to use descriptive language and sensory details to paint a vivid picture of their dream vacation in the reader's mind. They can describe the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures they imagine experiencing there.
  4. Remind the student to organize their writing in a logical order, using transition words to connect their ideas.
  5. Once the student has completed their writing, have them proofread and edit it for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Optional: If the student enjoys drawing, they can also create a visual representation of their dream vacation destination to accompany their writing.

Prompt #4: A ChatGPT query for a writing assignment Learning Standards

How does this assignment align with Washington State's education requirements? Please provide ID numbers that meet the requirements.

Response #4: A ChatGPT response for a writing assignment Learning Standards

As an AI language model, I do not have access to the Washington State education requirements. However, I can suggest some possible ways that this assignment could align with Washington State learning standards for fifth-grade students. Here are some possible areas of alignment:

  1. Writing: The assignment would align with the Washington State Learning Standards for writing, particularly in the areas of "text types and purposes" and "production and distribution of writing." (WASL Standards W.5.1 and W.5.4)
  2. Language: The assignment would align with the Washington State Learning Standards for language, particularly in the areas of "vocabulary acquisition and use" and "conventions of standard English grammar and usage." (WASL Standards L.5.4 and L.5.6)
  3. Social Studies: The assignment could align with the Washington State Learning Standards for social studies, particularly in the area of "geography." (WASL Standard G.5.2)

Please note that these are only possible areas of alignment and not a comprehensive list. The specific standards that this assignment aligns with may depend on the learning objectives of the homeschooling curriculum and the educational goals of the student. It is always a good idea to consult the Washington State Learning Standards or a qualified educator for guidance on aligning assignments with state standards.


ChatGPT can assist in teaching arithmetic and math by providing instant feedback on problem-solving and explanations of math concepts. For example, a homeschooling educator can prompt ChatGPT to solve a math problem and receive an instant response with the solution and an explanation of how it was solved. Additionally, ChatGPT can generate practice problems tailored to the child's needs and level, allowing for targeted and individualized instruction.

Prompt #5: A ChatGPT query for a math assignment

I am a homeschooler. I teach a fifth-grade boy. Can you suggest a math assignment that incorporates a checkbook?  Please provide examples with answers that include step by step instructions.

Response #5: A ChatGPT response for a math assignment

Example Assignment: Balancing a Checkbook Register


  1. Print out a mock checkbook register that includes a starting balance of $500, three blank checks, and the following transactions:
    • Deposit: $200
    • Check #101: $50
    • Check #102: $75
    • Withdrawal: $100
    • Deposit: $150
  2. Review the basic concepts of checkbook balancing with your student. Explain that the register is used to record all the deposits, withdrawals, and checks written on a particular account.
  3. Show your student how to fill out the checkbook register by demonstrating the following steps:
    • Fill in the starting balance at the top of the register as $500.
    • Record the deposit of $200 in the appropriate column by writing the date and "Deposit" in the description field, and entering $200 in the "Deposit" column.
    • Record the first check (#101) by writing the date and "Check #101" in the description field, and entering $50 in the "Check" column. Subtract $50 from the running balance.
    • Record the second check (#102) by writing the date and "Check #102" in the description field, and entering $75 in the "Check" column. Subtract $75 from the running balance.
    • Record the withdrawal of $100 by writing the date and "Withdrawal" in the description field, and entering $100 in the "Withdrawal" column. Subtract $100 from the running balance.
    • Record the final deposit of $150 by writing the date and "Deposit" in the description field, and entering $150 in the "Deposit" column. Add $150 to the running balance.
  4. Ask your student to double-check their work by adding up the deposits and withdrawals and comparing the result to the ending balance. If the balances match, they have successfully balanced their checkbook register.


Checkbook Register Starting Balance: $500



End Balance: $625

Extension: Create a mock checkbook register with your student that includes their own starting balance, a few blank checks, and some deposits and withdrawals that they will need to record. Have your student fill out and balance the register, then compare their results to the answer key that you provide. This will help them practice their checkbook balancing skills and build their confidence in financial management.


ChatGPT can assist in teaching science by providing answers to questions and explanations of concepts. For example, a homeschooling educator can prompt ChatGPT to explain a scientific concept and receive an instant response with an explanation in simple terms. This feature allows the educator to provide targeted support and instruction to their child, ensuring they have a deep understanding of scientific concepts.

Prompt #6: A ChatGPT query for a science assignment

I am a homeschooler. I teach a fifth-grade boy. Can you suggest a science assignment that incorporates cooking?

Response #6: A ChatGPT response for a science assignment

Title: Kitchen Chemistry: Exploring the Science of Cooking

Objective: To introduce students to the principles of chemistry and how they apply to everyday cooking.



  • Basic kitchen ingredients (flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, vinegar, lemon juice, etc.)
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Mixing bowls
  • Spatulas and spoons
  • Oven or stovetop
  • Thermometer (optional)



Begin by explaining to the student the basic principles of chemistry and how they apply to cooking. For example, the chemical reactions that occur when bread rises, or the process of caramelization when sugar is heated.


Ask the student to choose a recipe that they would like to make, such as cookies or muffins. You can also provide them with a recipe if you prefer.


Have the student measure out the ingredients and mix them together as instructed in the recipe.


Ask the student to think about what is happening chemically as they mix the ingredients together. For example, how does the combination of baking soda and vinegar cause a reaction that makes the mixture rise?


Once the mixture is complete, have the student observe any changes that occur during cooking, such as how the cookies spread out or how the muffins rise.


While the food is cooking, discuss with the student other chemical reactions that occur during cooking, such as the Maillard reaction that causes browning on meat or the emulsification of oil and vinegar in salad dressing.


Once the food is cooked, have the student observe and taste the finished product. Ask them to describe any chemical changes they may have noticed, such as how the heat transformed the texture of the food or how the flavors melded together.


Optional: You can also use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the food as it cooks, discussing with the student how heat affects chemical reactions.



To assess the student's understanding of the chemical principles involved in cooking, ask them to write a brief report or make a poster detailing the scientific processes involved in their chosen recipe. Alternatively, you can ask them to make a video explaining the chemistry of cooking to someone who has never heard of it before.


ChatGPT can assist in teaching history by providing instant answers to questions and generating timelines and summaries of historical events. For example, a homeschooling educator can prompt ChatGPT to explain a historical event and receive an instant response with a summary of the event and relevant information. Additionally, ChatGPT can generate timelines and summaries of historical events, allowing the child to practice their comprehension and retention of historical knowledge.

Prompt #7: A ChatGPT query for a history assignment

I am a homeschooler. I teach a fifth-grade boy. Can you provide me with an assessment for history that focuses on the Founding Fathers, with an answer key?

Response #7: A ChatGPT response for a history assignment

Part 1: Multiple Choice


Who was the first president of the United States?
   a. John Adams
   b. Thomas Jefferson
   c. George Washington (ANSWER)
   d. James Madison


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
   a. Benjamin Franklin
   b. John Adams
   c. Thomas Jefferson (ANSWER)
   d. George Washington


Which Founding Father is known as the "Father of the Constitution"?
   a. Thomas Jefferson
   b. James Madison (ANSWER)
   c. John Adams
   d. Benjamin Franklin


Which Founding Father was the primary author of the Federalist Papers?
   a. Thomas Jefferson
   b. James Madison
   c. John Adams
   d. Alexander Hamilton (ANSWER)


Which Founding Father was the first Secretary of the Treasury?
   a. Thomas Jefferson
   b. James Madison
   c. John Adams
   d. Alexander Hamilton (ANSWER)


Part 2: Short Answer


Question: Explain the significance of the Boston Tea Party in American history.

Answer: The Boston Tea Party was a protest against British taxation without representation. It was a key event that helped to spark the American Revolution.


Question: Describe the roles of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams in the American Revolution.

Answer: George Washington was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army and led the American forces to victory in the Revolution. Benjamin Franklin was a diplomat who helped to secure French aid for the Americans. John Adams served as a diplomat and was a key advocate for independence in the Continental Congress.


Question: What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention, and what was the outcome?

Answer: The purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation and create a stronger central government. The outcome was the drafting of the United States Constitution, which established the framework for the federal government and remains the supreme law of the land.


Part 3: Essay

Write an essay that addresses the following prompt:


"Which Founding Father do you believe had the greatest impact on American history, and why?"


Answer: This essay prompt is subjective and allows for a variety of responses, so there is no single correct answer. However, students should provide specific examples and evidence to support their argument. They may also discuss any challenges or criticisms that have been made about their chosen Founding Father.


For example, a student might argue that George Washington had the greatest impact on American history because of his leadership during the American Revolution and his role in shaping the presidency. The student might cite Washington's military victories, such as the Battle of Trenton and the Battle of Yorktown, and his precedent-setting decisions as president, such as the two-term limit and the establishment of a Cabinet.


Alternatively, a student might argue that Thomas Jefferson had the greatest impact on American history because of his role in drafting the Declaration of Independence and his influence on American political philosophy. The student might cite Jefferson's famous phrase "all men are created equal" and his advocacy for individual liberty and limited government.


Overall, the essay should demonstrate the student's knowledge of the Founding Fathers and their impact on American history, as well as their ability to articulate a well-supported argument.


ChatGPT can assist in teaching Bible study and theology by providing instant answers to questions and explanations of concepts. For example, a homeschooling educator can prompt ChatGPT to explain a theological concept and receive an instant response with an explanation in simple terms. This feature allows the educator to provide targeted support and instruction to their child, ensuring they have a deep understanding of theological concepts.

Prompt #8: A ChatGPT query for a Bible assignment

I am a homeschooler. I teach a fifth-grade boy. Can you provide me with a Bible devotional that is about the most important verse in the Bible?

Response #8: A ChatGPT response for a Bible assignment

Certainly! When it comes to the most important verse in the Bible, many Christians believe that John 3:16 is that verse. This verse encapsulates the central message of the Christian faith, which is God's love for humanity and His desire to save us through faith in Jesus Christ. Here's a devotional based on John 3:16 that you can use with your fifth-grade student:


John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."


This is one of the most famous verses in the Bible, and for good reason. It tells us that God loves us so much that He was willing to send His own Son, Jesus, to die for our sins so that we could be saved and have eternal life.


But what does it mean to believe in Jesus? It means putting our trust in Him and accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. It means acknowledging that we are sinners in need of a Savior, and that Jesus is the only way to be reconciled to God.


When we believe in Jesus, we become part of God's family. We are forgiven of our sins and given the gift of eternal life. This is not something we can earn or deserve; it is a free gift from God, given out of His great love for us.


So the next time you see or hear John 3:16, remember what it means. Remember that God loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you. And remember that if you believe in Jesus, you can have everlasting life.


ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can assist homeschooling educators in teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, science, history, and the Bible. Its features, advantages, and benefits are numerous and can greatly enhance the learning experience for the child. As we have seen, ChatGPT can provide personalized feedback, generate practice problems and summaries, and provide instant answers and explanations. Its potential to revolutionize homeschooling instruction is clear, and its applications in education are only beginning to be explored.